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Compania Midnight Works

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Midnight Works

Midnight Works

Joburi publicate: 12

Contactele Аngajatorului

Despre companie

Midnight Works is a leading app development company located in Chisinau, Moldova with the team of skilled and dedicated professionals that work together to create exceptional experiences for worldwide iOS users.

Blooming for over 5 years in the App Development industry, our team of experts possess the finest combination of skills in marketing analytics, project management, code development, UI/UX design, app prototyping, strategy and various other verticals.

Passionate about the latest trends, tools, and frameworks, our company thrives to take every app project to the next level, and we believe that creative thinking and collaborative approach to every step of development process delivers the best products.

We are young, driven by passion and eager to meet and work with you.
Come, join us, we’re hiring!

Locuri de muncă ale companiei Midnight Works

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